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Volunteering Stories | Judith’s Story: The best part is feeling that I’m connected to the local community

Friends of Abbey Fields

Every year people from all walks of life around the UK take time to volunteer and make a huge difference to their communities. To learn more and get inspired, read Judith’s story below.

After being a full-time carer for five years, I then decided that I needed to do something interesting that would also give me a chance to give back to my local community. So I searched the internet and was delighted to find Warwickshire & Solihull CAVA. The informative website led me to contact them to put myself on the Volunteer Register. CAVA were so helpful in identifying how my interests could be met and also pointing me towards suitable local organisations who were looking for volunteers.

One of those organisations was Friends of Abbey Fields – a voluntary organisation that liaises with Warwick District Council (WDC) to protect, educate and celebrate the historic Abbey Fields in Kenilworth. Not only do they use volunteers to participate in working parties, such as litter picking, planting spring bulbs or sowing wildflower seeds but they also wanted someone to become a Committee member with a view to taking over from the Secretary who was stepping down after several years.

This was an ideal opportunity for me as it’s very local to where I live, it meets my interests and also would use my previous work experience. So, I joined the Committee and after shadowing the Secretary for a couple of months, I took over last year. My role is participate in and contribute to Committee discussions and decisions, prepare and distribute Agendas for meetings and then produce and distribute the Committee Minutes. I also get involved with arranging the Annual General Meeting each year and maintain general communications with the Membership (over 200).

It’s such a varied role – great to be part of the Committee and discuss important local issues with others who have shared interests but also my role as Secretary is vital to keeping the Committee supported in its decision-making. My contacts with the Membership can vary from concerns regarding the local nesting swans to what’s happened to a favourite bench. For me, the best part is feeling that I’m connected to the local community, I’m helping to look after a valued local amenity and I share my values with others on the Committee.

I’m so thankful to CAVA for being there to help me to find my voluntary role and it’s why Friends of Abbey Fields is using them to advertise for a new Chairperson to take over from the current Chair who is stepping down after several years.

For further information please contact us