Social Prescribing

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improve health & wellbeing

Social prescribing involves taking time to identify with an individual what matters to them and then, in a person-centred way, connects someone to practical and emotional community support, which can empower and improve health and wellbeing. 

Building on our learned experience from delivering ConnectWELL 2014-2022 we are continuing to support and develop relationships to strengthen social prescribing in Warwickshire and Solihull. For further details about the project’s success, please see the extended blog post by clicking here.

As a local infrastructure organisation we frequently participate in a variety of health and wellbeing forums, boards, and networks.

CAVA (across Warwickshire and Solihull) link with those in the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Service (ICS) area and in the Birmingham and Solihull ICS.

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This link provides a list of some of the social prescribing pathways across Warwickshire.

More information is available from the National Academy for Social Prescribing including a specific section for Voluntary and Community organisations.

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Social Prescribing in my area

Social prescribing pathways are provided by various organisations across the area,
details of the referral processes can be found by clicking here.
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Tribe in South Warwickshire Place

South Warwickshire Place Partnership Delivery Group and Board are funding a pilot of Tribe, initially in North Leamington and Shipston. The phone app and website can hold information of local activities and groups, helping people connect with others and find health living activities. To register your group or find more details please click here and here.

CAVA represents the voice if the sector at the place delivery group and board, and welcomes feedback aligned to health and wellbeing challenges the sector is aware of, or ideas to make a difference.

Further links to related information

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For any further queries contact